7402 CD School House - Education and Games Version 10.0 Name:_____________________________________ Company:__________________________________ Address:__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Phone:_________________________ FAX:_______________________ E-mail:___________________________________ Date Purchased:_____________ Dealer:_________________ Address:_________________ Where did you learn about Wayzata Technology's CD-ROMs? _____________________________________________________________ Type of CD-ROM Drive:__________________ _ 1x _ 2x _ 3x _ 4x _6x Memory in your computer? _ 512k _ 1MB _ 2MB _ 4MB _ MORE Will you use this product on: _ IBM PC _ 386 _ 486 _ Pentium _ Other___________ _ MAC _ SE _ Classic _ LC _ Performa _ Quadra _ Power Mac _ Other____________ Where will you be using this product? _ Business _ Home _ School _ Other What subject matter on CD-ROM (not currently available) would you purchase? ___________________________________________________________________ Suggestions for product improvement?_______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Send To: WAYZATA TECHNOLOGY, INC 21 Northeast Fourth Street Grand Rapids, Minnesota 55744 800-735-7321 800-377-7321 Technical Support (218) 326-0597 Telephone (218) 326-0598 Fax (218) 326-2939 BBS WayzataTec@aol.com E-mail http://Wayzata-Tech.com World Wide Web